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9th Annual Chemical Engineering Postgraduate Association (CEPA) Conference 2019

Monash University Clayton Campus (S1-6)

31 October 2019, 9am - 4pm

Welcome from the Convenor

We hope that you are planning to join us for the 9th Annual Chemical Engineering Postgraduate Association (CEPA) Conference 2019 at the Monash University Clayton Campus in Melbourne, Australia, where you can meet, greet and interact with fellow members of the scientific community of the Faculty of Engineering. 

Since 2011, the CEPA conference has been run by students as an opportunity to showcase the wide range of research within the department. Students from around Australia are invited to present their work to their peers, academics and industry, receive helpful feedback, and open avenues for collaboration. 

Monash University is one of Australia's leading universities and ranks among the world's top 100. We help change lives through research and education. Monash University, Clayton Campus is located 20 kilometres south-east of Melbourne’s CBD. Discover our Monash University Clayton campus.

Chemical Engineering at Monash encompasses a wide range of topics, from nanomaterials and computational modelling to biotechnology and food engineering. The CEPA conference provides a unique opportunity to learn about research in a range of fields, which encourages cross-disciplinary work. Following very positive feedback from the previous years, we will again be designing the 2019 program around abstract submissions. Presentations will be aligned with the following exciting engineering fields related to work performed at Monash University:

  • Membranes

  • Biotechnology

  • Food Engineering

  • Fuels and Energy

  • Modelling

  • Nanomaterials 

  • Renewable and Sustainable Engineering

We encourage you to familiarise yourself with the conference area on the CEPA website and make note the key dates. Be sure to visit often as more information will be added as planning progresses, and we will remind you as the key dates approach. Should you have colleagues or know of anyone who you think would be interested in presenting, exhibiting or attending, we would very much appreciate you passing on relevant information or ask them to get in touch to join our mailing list.

We look forward to welcoming you to our 2019 conference in Melbourne.

Isaac Pincus
Convenor, 2019 CEPA Conference

Key dates

Call for abstracts opens

13 February 2019

Sponsorship & Exhibition opportunities opens

22 February 2019

Registration opens

17 June 2019

Call for abstracts closes

Extended to 2 September 2019

Authors Notified

Extended to 20 September 2019

Registration closes

1 October 2019


31 October 2019

Networking Event

31 October 2019



Conference Schedule


Opening Ceremony

Gabriel Huynh (Conference Chair)

Location: S3


Keynote Speech

Professor Elizabeth Croft, Monash University

Location: S3


Sponsored Talk


Location: S3


Student presentations

Location: S1 - S4


Morning Tea

Sponsored by Air China

Location: S1-S4 Foyer



Dr Jocelyn Midgley, SIMPLOT

Location: S3


Student Presentations

Location: S1 - S4



Location: S1 - S4 Foyer



Dr Joanne Tanner, BioPRIA

Location: S3


Student Presentations

Location: S1 - S4


Closing Ceremony

Isaac Pincus, Conference Co-Chair

Location: S1 - S4 Foyer


Networking Event

Networking event and poster session

Location: Level 4 New Horizons Building, Collaboration Lounge


Research Themes

Biotechnology and Bioprocessing

Purposeful engineering of biological components is increasingly used in many diverse applications, such as medicine, food and polymers. Biotechnology covers a broad range of research within Monash Chemical Engineering including bioprocessing and biocatalysis, drug delivery, food engineering, protein and cell engineering, rheology of polymers and biomaterials, sensor development, surface engineering, and tissue engineering.


We’re interested in any biotechnology research, particularly in engineering-related applications.

Technical Committee Members

A. Prof. Victoria Haritos (Chair)

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Dr Bhuvana Kasargod (Co-Chair)

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The ability to synthesise, characterise, and control the nanoscale structure of materials has revolutionised many traditional fields of chemical engineering and often moved process considerations from a macroscale view to one that must consider molecular and nanoscale interaction as an intrinsic part of the design. Chemical engineers at Monash University employ nanomaterials for a wide variety of applications including corrosion mitigation, water purification, catalysis, sensors, drug and gene delivery, theranostics, smart coatings, gas separation, functional food, and material composites. Research is underway to generate nanomaterials which are ideally engineered for these applications.

We’re interested in any research related to nanoscale materials.

Technical Committee Members

Prof. Wenlong Cheng (Chair)

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​Dr. Qianqian Shi (Co-Chair)

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Fuels and Energy

Significant research activities are under way to investigate improved methods for power and chemical production from Victorian brown coal and biomass, including: advanced dewatering technologies, gasification processes, carbon capture technologies (both pre- and post- combustion), and chemical looping processes. In addition, the production of biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel from renewable feedstocks such as algae are being studied. Work is also underway to develop alternative and sustainable fuel sources, such as hydrogen fuel cells and photovoltaics.


We’re interested in any research related to novel energy generation or storage, as well as improved methods for fuel generation or usage.

Technical Committee Members

Prof. Sankar Bhattacharya (Chair)

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Dr. Qinfu Hou (Co-Chair)

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Food Engineering

Research in Food Engineering focuses on the development of innovative processing technologies, product evaluation tools, and value-enhanced food and bio-products such as dietary fibres, bioactive peptides and antioxidant-enriched products. Research activities include applying material science and mathematical modelling approaches in spray drying, milk powder characterisation, studying challenges in processing such as fouling, cleaning of heat exchange surfaces and minimising nutrient losses.


We’re interested in food-related research across the entire supply chain, with a particular focus on food processing and value enhancement.

Technical Committee Members

Dr. Sushil Dhital (Chair)


Dr. Yong Wang (Co-Chair)

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Technical Committee Head

Prof. Mark Banaszak Holl (Chair)

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Dr. Jing Zhang (Co-Chair)

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The CEPA conference covers a range of topics and research themes across Engineering and Science, with a particular focus on Chemical Engineering. Submitted abstracts will be vetted by the technical committee chair and/or co-chair for each theme.

If your research doesn't fit neatly into one of these research themes, we're still interested! Any presentations related to science or engineering are welcome at the conference.

Travel grant prizes are available for each research theme!

Renewable and Sustainable Engineering

Due to the unavoidable rise in overpopulation and industrialisation, sustainable engineering has been aggravated. Considering both technical and no-technical issues synergistically, striving to overcome problems in the long term and bringing up the global context are  considered as sustainable approaches in engineering. Sustainable engineering is a multidisciplinary approach which re-imagine how energy and resources are a obtained, while reducing the generation of secondary pollution and guaranteeing future generations the ability to meet their own needs.

Technical Committee Members

A. Prof. Laura-Lee Innes (Chair)

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Dr Muhammad Munir Sadiq (Co-Chair)

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Dr Giovanni L. DeLuca (Co-Chair)

Dr Shahnaz Mansouri (Co-chair)

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Membrane engineering is crucial for a multitude of applications such as drinking water generation, waste water treatment, seawater desalination, air purification, food processing, and biological sensing and separations. Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of membrane technology can lead to reduced energy use, lower environmental impacts and higher quality products. Membrane research in the Monash Chemical Engineering department is focused on developing novel membrane materials, techniques and applications.


We’re interested in any research related to membrane technology.

Technical Committee Members

Prof Xiwang Zhang (Chair)

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Dr. Meipeng Jian (Co-Chair)

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Dr Soo Leong (Co-Chair)

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Computer-based modelling and simulation for material, process, and product design is now an integral part of chemical engineering. At Monash University, we employ these approaches for a wide variety of applications including development of particle technologies for steel, power, and mineral processing and mining industries. The approaches are also critical for soft materials including polymers and biomaterials.


We’re interested in any research related to computer or theoretical modelling, particularly in an engineering application.

Technical Committee Members

Dr. Zongyan Zhou (Chair)

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Dr. Qinfu Hou (Co-Chair)

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Dr. Dominic Robe (Co-Chair)

Food Engineering
Fuels and Energy
Sustainable Engineering


More speakers to come

Elizabeth Croft

Professor Croft is Dean of Monash Engineering, the highest ranked Engineering Faculty in Australia, where she oversees over 8,000 students and 500 academic and professional staff. Professor Croft is recognised internationally as an expert in the field of human-robotic interaction. She has an exceptional record of advancing women’s representation and participation in engineering. She completed a B.A.Sc. (University of British Columbia), an M.A.Sc. (University of Waterloo), and a Ph.D. (University of Toronto). She is a Fellow of ASME, Engineers Canada, Past NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering, BC and Yukon (2010-2015) and received the R.A. McLachlan Award from the Engineering and Geoscientists of British Columbia (EGBC) in 2018.

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Jocelyn Midgley

Dr Jocelyn Midgley has a PhD in microbiology and has been involved in food safety research in the areas of dairy, meat, horticulture and seafood for nearly 20 years.  She had previous roles at CSIRO Food Science Australia in business development for the Innovative Foods Centre, to identify, develop and facilitate the commercialisation of new and emerging food processing technologies. She has also worked for the National Food Industry Strategy (NFIS) – a Federal Government initiative that was targeted at increasing the innovative capability of Australian food companies. 

She is currently, the R&D Manager, Innovation & Growth, at Simplot Australia. Her role is to manage and drive scientific research and technical initiatives to achieve profitable growth, and to also provide expert knowledge to key stakeholders.  This often involves assessment of the business opportunity and its capacity to be implemented, followed by laboratory and pilot-plant work to develop technical feasibility, through to commercial-scale up.

Joanne Tanner

Dr Joanne Tanner has industry experience in mining and minerals, oil and gas, and process control and has worked in both industrial and academic research. She is a lecturer and researcher in the Bioprocessing Research Institute of Australia (BioPRIA). She completed her bachelor degree in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Monash University, where she later worked within industry for a number of years before returning to Monash University to complete her PhD in the field of high temperature, entrained flow gasification. Her research interests include green chemistry, sustainable packaging solutions, and crop waste utilisation.

Conference Prizes

Conference Travel Grants

7x $1000.00 AUD

There will be a $1000 AUD 'Conference Travel Grant' prize awarded to one student per research theme. The receptant will be selected based the quality of their abstract and their conference presentation. Winners will be announced at the Post-Conference Alumni and Industry Networking Event. Terms and Conditions and further information regarding the 'Conference Travel Grant' prize can be found here.


$1000.00 AUD

Conference Travel Grant

Proudly sponsored by:
Biotechnology and Bioprocessing

$1000.00 AUD

Conference Travel Grant

Proudly sponsored by:
Food Technology

$1000.00 AUD

Conference Travel Grant

Proudly sponsored by:

$1000.00 AUD

Conference Travel Grant

Proudly sponsored by:
Fuels and Energy

$1000.00 AUD

Conference Travel Grant

Proudly sponsored by:

$1000.00 AUD

Conference Travel Grant

Proudly sponsored by:
Renewable and Sustainable Engineering

$1000.00 AUD

Conference Travel Grant

Proudly sponsored by:
Presentation Prizes
Best Oral Presentation
(by Technical Committee)

$200.00 AUD

Coles Group and Myer Gift Card &

$50.00 AUD worth of Monash University Chemical Engineering merchandise

Best Poster Presentation
(by Technical Committee)

$100.00 AUD

Coles Group and Myer Gift Card

Best Oral Presentation
(People's Choice)

$75.00 AUD

Best Poster Presentation
(People's Choice)

$75.00 AUD

Best Abstracts
(by Technical Committee)

$50.00 AUD

Best Social Media Post
(by Organising Committee)

$50.00 AUD

Post-Conference Alumni and Industry
Networking Event
October 31, 6pm - 8pm
Level 4 New Horizons Building,
Monash University Clayton Campus

The CEPA conference committee invites students, staff, alumni and industry partners to share canapé and a few drinks while trying out our new beer brews made by our very own MonashBrewLab Team and exchange stories of how engineering contributes to industry in our communities and organisations around the world.

Conference awards will be presented during the evening. 

Networking Event

Organising Committee

Gabriel Huynh | Conference Chair
Research Theme
Nanoparticles and Nanotechnology

Gabriel completed his Bachelors of Engineering (Chemical) at Monash University and is currently completing his PhD in the Department of Chemical Engineering. His research interests are developing nanoparticle-based biosensors for in vitro and in vivo applications, and additive manufacturing for tissue engineering applications. Currently, Gabriel is in his 3rd year of his PhD program and hopes to continue his passion for research in academia in biosensing and theranostic applications.

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Isaac Pincus | Conference Co-Chair
Research Theme

Isaac studied Chemical Engineering and Physics at the University of Queensland for his undergraduate coursework and is currently completing a PhD supervised by Ravi Jagadeeshan. His research interests include polymer rheology and Brownian dynamics computer simulations, used to develop analytical chemistry techniques. Isaac is in the second year of his PhD and is the academic VP for the CEPA committee, having a central role in making sure the conference is high-profile and valuable for both students and guests.

Laila Hossian | Lead Industry Liaison
Research Theme
Food Technology
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Edward Henderson | Lead Sponsorship Liaison
Research Theme
Nanoparticles and Nanotechnology

Laila is currently a second year PhD student, having completed her Bachelors at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). She is currently working on a Graduate Research Industry Partnerships (GRIP) PhD project in the Department of Chemical Engineering, in partnership with Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA). Her research interest are absorption phenomenon, rheology, food and environment engineering, and product development. After completing her PhD, she hopes to carry on her passion for research by joining a university or working in an industrial R&D position.

Ed is a current PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Simon Corrie at Monash University, working to develop magnetic nanomaterials in biosensor applications. He enjoys playing an active role on in the community, having previously served as the president of CEPA in 2018, president of the Materials Engineering undergraduate society in 2017, as well as participating in numerous outreach opportunities to showcase research and chemical engineering to school communities and the general public. He enjoys a wide range of things, including sports, social activities, video and board games and live music. 

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Rabeeh Golmohammadzadeh | Lead Logistic Manager
Research Theme
Renewable and Sustainable Engineering
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Ankita Suri | Financial Manager
Research Theme
Bioprocess and Biotechnology

Rabeeh received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Materials Science and Engineering, from Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) and the University of Tehran, respectively. After three years of research experience in the field of e-waste recycling, she has started her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at Monash University. Rabeeh`s areas of interest are sustainability, E-waste recycling, lithium-ion battery recycling, environmentally-friendly recycling processes, environmental management, resources recovery, waste management, and zero waste processes. Rabeeh is general representative for the CEPA committee and lead logistic manager in CEPA conference. 

Ankita completed her Bachelors of Science (Hons.) in the field of Microbiology and her Masters in Science (Microbiology) at University of Delhi, India. She moved to Australia to pursue her passion for research with Monash University. Ankita is in her first year of Ph.D program under the supervision of Associate Professor Victoria Haritos. Her research interest includes understanding and improving protein expression and secretion in yeast. Ankita is currently working on the development of a secretory pathway in yeast for the extracellular secretion of recombinant proteins.

Conference Sponsors


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Why sponsor the CEPA Conference?
  • Access over 200 bright, motivated and knowledgeable higher research students

  • Exhibit your products and services to some of Australia’s top chemical engineering researchers

  • Discover the productive outcomes of cutting-edge research and industry collaborations at Monash Engineering

  • Network and build strategic relationships with delegates during catering breaks and social functions

  • Demonstrate your commitment by supporting the HDR student community

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  • Monash dar
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