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2022 Monash University
Faculty of Engineering
Postgraduate Student Conference

Monash University Clayton Campus
Woodside Building
1st December 2022 (9am - 5pm)


Welcome from the Organizing Committee

We are pleased to announce the 2022 Monash University Faculty of Engineering Postgraduate Student Conference, to be held in the Woodside Building, Monash University – Clayton Campus, in Melbourne, Australia on the 1st December 2022. Based on the success of the Pioneering Engineering Postgraduate Conference, we are proud to again connect the whole Faculty of Engineering across Monash University, IITB-Monash, Monash-Malaysia and Monash-Suzhou. We welcome any current undergraduate and honours students to attend to explore the possibilities of the Monash research program. This event will be simultaneous streamed to our international colleagues.

This year’s Themes are becoming more and more relevant in recent changes across the globe. Our work as engineers is to develop ideas from fundamental processes towards advanced applications for the benefit of humanity. The Research Themes for the Conference are:

  • AI and Computer Modelling

  • Biotechnology and Bioprocessing

  • Energy and Renewables

  • Infrastructure and Environment

  • Robotics and Manufacturing

People undertaking Masters by Research or Doctor of Philosophy by Research degrees as well as Early Career Researchers are encouraged to submit their Abstracts using the information on this page. Multiple prizes will be awarded to the best posters and oral presentations, including a People's Choice Award,

We will soon announce the plenary speakers for the conference.

For more information on the conference or abstract submission process, please contact us at: eng.cepa[at]

We look forward to welcoming you to the 2nd Engineering Postgraduate Conference, the 2022 Monash University Faculty of Engineering Postgraduate Student Conference in Melbourne.

On behalf of the Conference Organising Committee:

Luke Sutherland, Nathan Eden, Michael Scalzo, Declan McNamara, Victor Le, Xinyan Xiang, Kanglin Tian, Bilal Taskesti, Atefeh Dargahizarandi.

Key dates

Call for abstracts opens
25 August 2022

Sponsorship & Exhibition opportunities opens

25 August 2022

Registration opens

25 August 2022

Call for abstracts closes:

30 September 2022


14 October 2022

Authors Notified:

28 October 2022

Registration closes:

19 November 2022


1 December 2022



Conference Location

Multidisciplinary engineering conference encompassing various field of research such as .......

Artificial Intelligence and

Computational Modelling

Infrastructure and Environment

Biotechnology and Bioprocessing

Energy and Renewables

Manufacturing and Robotics

and many more! 

Guest Speaker

Keynote Speakers

Dr Oliver Hutt

Director of Business Development

Boron Molecular Pty Ltd

Oliver Hutt is the CEO at Boron Molecular. Dr. Hutt completed his doctoral studies at the Australian National University in 2005 and then two post-doctoral stints in the School of Pharmacy at The University of Kansas and The University of Minnesota, respectively. Dr. Hutt then worked at CSIRO from 2009-2019 as a Research Scientist. In 2014, Dr Hutt was promoted Research Group Leader of the CSIRO Chemicals and Polymer Group. He completed his MBA with Torrens University in 2018 and then joined Boron Molecular in 2019. He spent three years in Business Development at Boron Molecular commercialising Australian science and is now the CEO, from May 2022.

Dr Richard Parsons

Founder and CEO

Kite Magnetics

Richard is the Founder and CEO of Kite Magnetics, a venture-back aerospace manufacturing company based in Melbourne Australia. Prior to founding Kite Magnetics, Richard worked as a researcher at Monash University for year years where he developing new magnetic materials specifically for ultra-high performance electric motors. In 2021 he left academia to start Kite Magnetics as a spinout company from Monash university in order to commercialise a new materials technology he co-invented that is being used to produce a new generation of smaller, lighter and more efficient electric motors for use on electric aircraft so that they can fly further and carry more.


Dr Alexa Delbosc

Senior Lecturer

Monash University

Alexa is a Senior Lecturer in the Institute of Transport Studies, Faculty of Civil Engineering at Monash University. After graduating from Harvard with a Masters in social psychology, Alexa wanted to apply her social science research skills to solve real-world problems. Her research has covered such topics as the impact of transport on psychological well-being, understanding the psychology of fare evasion and exploring the changing mobility of the millennial generation. This last project has earned her a prestigious Discovery Early Career Research Award from the Australian Research Council.

Conference Sponsors


Why sponsor the Monash University Engineering Post Graduate Conference?
  • Access over 500 bright, motivated and knowledgeable higher research students

  • Exhibit your products and services to some of Australia’s top engineering researchers

  • Discover the productive outcomes of cutting-edge research and industry collaborations at Monash Engineering

  • Network and build strategic relationships with delegates during catering breaks and social functions

  • Demonstrate your commitment by supporting the HDR student community


If interested in sponsoring or learning more about the conference, please contact us at:

Organising Committee

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Luke Sutherland

Luke is a 2nd year Ph.D. student in the MSE department and CSIRO’s Flexible Electronics Laboratory. He is passionate about environmental sustainability and innovative technology with his research focussing on the roll-to-roll fabrication of perovskite solar cells. Luke is the postgraduate student representative for the Faculty of Engineering and is also an avid surfer, hiker, and photographer.

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Nathan Eden

Nathan is a final year PhD Candidate about to submit his thesis on lithium separations under Matthew Hill and Kristina Konstas in the Applied Porous Materials Grou. He is interested in the use of Advanced Materials for Challenging Separations. He enjoys kickboxing, playing piano and hiking.

Michael Scalzo

Michael is a 2nd year PhD student from Melbourne working on alkane-alkene separations for the hydrogen economy under Matthew Hill and Tim Scott. In his free time, he partakes in futsal, Thai kickboxing, marathon running, camping and hiking.

Declan McNamara

Declan is a 2nd year PhD candidate from Melbourne working on anode coatings for lithium-sulphur batteries under Matthew Hill and Mainak Majumder. in 2018 he worked for a year at EMPA in Switzerland. In his free time he enjoys Thai kickboxing, calisthenics, half learning languages (he’s up to four) and listening to very shouty music.

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Xinyan Xiang

Xinyan Xiang a 1st year PhD in Civil (Geoenvironmental) Engineering, researching on the fate and migration of PFASs through geomembrane with Prof. Malek Bouazza. Outside of lab work and committee roles, Xinyan is passionate about travel, landscape photography and tennis.

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Victor Le

Passionate about sustainable energy generation and storage technologies, Victor is a current PhD student at Monash University. Under the supervision of A/Professor Nikhil Medhekar, he is working to investigate aqueous zinc batteries for safe and affordable energy storage. He enjoys strategy based video and board games in his spare time.

Luisa White

Proceeding PhD studies orientated to high-resolution root zone soil moisture maps using P- and L-band microwave remote sensing. Professional in Surveying Engineering (2015), with Master of Advanced Civil Engineering (Water)(2020). Includes professional experience as a surveyor at the Colombian Geological Survey (2014-2018), and increased passion for research during the Research Assistant role at Monash University (2020-current).

Bilal Enes Taskesti

Bilal is a first-year PhD student at Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. He got his bachelor degree from Gaziantep University and master degree from Dokuz Eylül University in Turkey. He has two journal publications at highly impact journals and two proceedings. He works on his PhD research project 'the fate and migration of PFASs through geosynthetic clay liners' under the supervision of Prof. Malek Bouazza.   

Zunaira Naseem

Zunaira is a final year PhD candidate and a part of Nanocomm Hub, working on nano-engineered polymer composites under Prof. Wenhui duan. She had five years of industry experience before joining her PhD. She is interested in materials science, nanotechnology, additive manufacturing and sustainable construction materials. Zunaira enjoys outdoor activities, photography, traveling, and social events.

Interested in volunteering or helping out?
Contact us at: 


Guest Plenary Speakers

To Be Announced!

Past Conferences

© 2022 by CEPA Committee

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