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2021 Monash University
Faculty of Engineering
Post Graduate Student Conference

Monash University Clayton Campus
Woodside Building
25th November 2021 (9am - 5pm)

Welcome from the Organizing Committee

Join us for the 1st Engineering Postgraduate Conference at Monash University – Clayton Campus in Melbourne, Australia. The Conference is a great opportunity to meet and connect with fellow research students, academics, and invited industry partners of the whole Faculty of Engineering! 

For the first time at Monash, researchers and industry leaders across chemical, civil, electrical, materials, and mechanical engineering will come together to showcase their pioneering work - all in one conference - opening avenues for unique feedback and collaboration.

All postgraduate students in the Faculty of Engineering are welcome to present their excellent work at the conference, including students based at Monash Suzhou, Monash Malaysia, and IITB-Monash as this event will be be streamed to and from international campuses. We also welcome any current undergraduate and honours students to attend to explore the possibilities of the Monash research program.

The Conference will encompass all ranges of emerging topics in the engineering field, and we encourage all postgraduate students and early career researchers (ECRs) to submit an abstract. The most exciting and impactful abstracts will be selected for the Conference and multiple prizes will be awarded to the best posters and oral presentations.


  • Deadline abstract submission (EXTENDED): 1 October, 2021

  • Acceptance notification: 15 October, 2021

The Conference Committee

Key dates

Call for abstracts opens

6 July 2021

Sponsorship & Exhibition opportunities opens

6 July 2021

Registration opens

6 July 2021

Call for abstracts closes


1 October 2021

Authors Notified

15 October 2021

Registration closes


19 November 2021


25 November 2021



Conference Location

Multidisciplinary engineering conference encompassing various field of research such as .......

Agriculture and Food Engineering


Artificial Intelligence and

Computational Modelling

Manufacturing and Robotics

Bioengineering and Biomedicine


Energy and Renewable Engineering

Production and Process Engineering

and many more! 

Guest Speaker

Opening and Closing Remarks by 

Prof. Elizabeth Croft

Professor and Dean of Faculty of Engineering

A/Prof. Timothy Scott

ARC Future Fellow

Associate Dean of Graduate Research Engineering

Guest Keynote Speakers

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Prof. Huanting Wang

Prof. Jayantha Kodikara

Australian Laureate Fellow

Professor from Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

Director of Monash Centre for Membrane Innovation

Deputy Director of ARC Research Hub for Energy-Efficient Separation

Chartered Professional Engineer and Fellow of Engineers Australia

Professor from Department of Civil Engineering

Director of ARC Smart Pavements Hub

Panel Discussion: Future of Engineering Graduate Research

Dr. Alexa Delbosc

Senior Lecturer from the Department of Civil Engineering

Prof. Jeff Walker

Prof. Neil Cameron

A/Prof. Victoria Haritos

Prof. Emanuele Viterbo

Professor and Head of the Department of Civil Engineering

Professor and Head of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Associate Professor from the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

Professor and Acting Head of the Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering

Alumni Panel Discussion: Life after PhD


Gabriel Huynh

Dr. Jayshri Dumbre

Dr. Shibo Wang


Dr. Tharindu Athauda

Dr. Erin Brodie

 Postdoc research fellow at Monash Wind Tunnel Research Platform

PhD Graduate in Materials Science and Engineering

Final Year PhD Candidate

EMC Sales Engineer at EMC Technologies

Woodside FutureLab Research and Innovation Manager

* Click on picture for biography

Organising Committee

Arden Phua

Arden is a 2nd year PhD student in the MAE department and CSIRO’s Data61. He is passionate about digital technologies for science and Industry 4.0. His research is toward the development of digital twin for metal 3D printing. Aside from programming and writing, he enjoys hiking and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.

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Victor Le

Passionate about sustainable energy generation and storage technologies, Victor is a current PhD student at Monash University. Under the supervision of A/Professor Nikhil Medhekar, he is working to investigate aqueous zinc batteries for safe and affordable energy storage. He enjoys strategy based video and board games in his spare time.

Felipe Basquiroto de Souza

Felipe is a final year PhD student at the Nanocomm Hub, in the structures group, working on nanoscience to create environment-friendly cement. Outside the lab and committee roles, Felipe carries from Brazil his passion for soccer and enjoys learning languages, history, and philosophy.

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Kevin Hutomo Putera

Kevin left Indonesia to pursue his study at Monash University in 2015 and received his B.Eng. (Hons) in Chemical Engineering in 2019. He was fortunate to be offered the opportunity to do a Ph.D. at Monash under Professor Mark Banaszak Holl. Outside of research, Kevin loves to go to the cinema to watch movies of various genres including comedy, sci-fi and action. He is also a big soccer fan and particularly interested in the English Premier League.

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Alberto Peixoto

Alberto is a third year PhD student from Brazil. He is doing research on water balance in intermittent catchments and the effects of climate on tree transpiration. Apart from work and studies, he loves playing the drums and cycling.

Amir Tophel

Amir is a final year PhD student and hails from India. He is a part of SPARC (Smart Pavements Australia Research Collaboration) Hub and his research includes developing an effective way to estimate Soil Density non-destructively. His hobbies are cooking, photography and travelling. He has travelled fifteen countries till now and is always looking for a new adventure in a new place. 

Elnaz Mokhtari

Elnaz is a Ph.D. student doing her research in the Structural Engineering group. Outside academic and committee roles, she enjoys the spare time going on adventures, working out, reading books, dancing, watching movies, and hanging out with friends.

Gabriel Huynh

Gabriel completed his Bachelors of Engineering (Chemical) at Monash University and is currently completing his PhD in the Department of Chemical Engineering. His research interests are developing nanoparticle-based biosensors for in vitro and in vivo applications, and additive manufacturing for tissue engineering applications. Currently, Gabriel is in his final year of his PhD program and hopes to continue his passion for research in academia in biosensing and theranostic applications.

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Isaac Pincus

Isaac studied Chemical Engineering and Physics at the University of Queensland for his undergraduate coursework and is currently completing a PhD supervised by Ravi Jagadeeshan. His research interests include polymer rheology and Brownian dynamics computer simulations, used to develop analytical chemistry techniques.

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Liuxin Chen

Liuxin Chen is currently a second year PhD student, working at the ARC Smart Pavements Hub, Department of Civil Engineering. Her research interests include testing, constitutive modeling and finite element modeling of unsaturated soils under cyclic loading. Outside the committee roles, she enjoys hanging out with friends, working out and calligraphy.

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Shashika Gajanyake

Shashika is a third-year Ph.D. student. He completed his Bachelors in Civil Engineering at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, and is currently working on mechanical alterations of natural gas hydrates upon gas replacement under the supervision of Prof. Ranjith PG. Outside his research work and studies, he enjoys the spare time playing badminton and cricket, swimming, travelling, cooking and nature-related activities.

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Zeeshan Ali

Zeeshan is a second-year Ph.D. student from Pakistan. He received his M.Phil. degree in Mathematics from the University of Peshawar in 2018. He joined Monash University Malaysia in 2019 as a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Dr. Faranak Rabiei and Dr. Ming Kwang Tan. His research focuses on the theoretical and computational study of infectious diseases mathematical models.

Interested in volunteering or helping out?
Contact us at: 

Conference Sponsors



Advanced Condition Assessment & Pipe Failure Prediction Project

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Why sponsor the Monash University Engineering Post Graduate Conference?
  • Access over 500 bright, motivated and knowledgeable higher research students

  • Exhibit your products and services to some of Australia’s top engineering researchers

  • Discover the productive outcomes of cutting-edge research and industry collaborations at Monash Engineering

  • Network and build strategic relationships with delegates during catering breaks and social functions

  • Demonstrate your commitment by supporting the HDR student community

If interested in sponsoring or learning more about the conference, please contact us at:

Past Conferences

© 2021 by CEPA Committee

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